Steven Camp MD Plastic Surgery & Aesthetics
3416 Lovell Avenue, Suite 200
Fort Worth, Texas 76107
Phone: (817) 228-4315
Fax: (817) 719-9323
Monday-Friday: 9 a.m.–5 p.m.
Sientra Smooth Round Moderate Projection Breast Implants in a 27 Year Old Patient
*Keep in mind that each patient is unique and your results may vary.

Before & After
Case Details
At 27 years old, this mother was looking to add volume and fullness to improve the look of clothing, bathing suits, and lingerie. Thus, she called our office to discuss breast augmentation with silicone gel implants. While meeting with Dr. Camp she explained a prior breast biopsy had been completed on her left breast and was worried that she might not be a candidate for breast augmentation. However, he assured her that patients with history of breast biopsy and or mastitis are typically fine candidates for breast augmentation surgery.
Her surgery took a little under an hour with Dr. Camp using an inframammary incision, Keller funnel, and under the muscle placement of Sientra 355cc silicone smooth round gel moderate plus projection breast implants.
The patient recovered over the coming days and returned to work quickly. If you are interested in learning more about breast augmentation surgery with Dr. Steven Camp, please call our office at 817-228-4315 or fill out the form below. Cheers!