Steven Camp MD Plastic Surgery & Aesthetics
3416 Lovell Avenue, Suite 200
Fort Worth, Texas 76107
Phone: (817) 228-4315
Fax: (817) 719-9323
Monday-Friday: 9 a.m.–5 p.m.
The Result is a Peach!
*Keep in mind that each patient is unique and your results may vary.

Before & After
Case Details
Brazilian Butt Lift which includes liposuction and fat grafting was a great choice for this 25 year old patient who was concerned about the flatness in her mid buttock. Her operation with Dr. Steven Camp was quick and easy to recover from letting her go back to work in about a week. With his new Black and Black liposuction and fat grafting machine he is able to reduce the time in the OR in half. Getting you home sooner and ready for recovery.
To see if you are a good candidate for BBL please call our office at 817-228-4315 or fill out the form below.
We look forward to making you a Happy Camper!