I am a specialist at gently optimizing the eyelids with blepharoplasty in Fort Worth, TX to provide patients a refreshed appearance. I am known for performing upper eyelid surgery in my on-site surgery center. I have embraced and intensely focused on using minimally invasive techniques to offer patients superior results and enhanced recovery outcomes.
Traditional eyelid surgery procedures involve large surgical incisions with deep cuts into the muscle that require a long healing time. My techniques preserve the muscle and its function, which makes surgery smoother and less painful, and makes recovery much quicker.
Here, I share my top 10 benefits for having upper blepharoplasty surgery at Steven Camp, MD Plastic Surgery & Aesthetics.
Treating Sagging Eyelids with Upper Blepharoplasty

As we age, the skin on our eyelids starts to thin and droop. The skin under the brow bone starts to hollow and sag, resulting in the formation of lines and wrinkles around the eyes and ptosis of the upper eyelid. The skin around the eye and upper cheek thins as well, resulting in pockets of fat around the orbital bone and a deflated appearance of the upper cheek.
Upper eyelid surgery works to smooth and reposition the skin of the eyelid to remove the excess skin and lift and tighten the skin on the brow bone, resulting in a more alert, refreshed appearance.

The upper and lower eyelids are made up of layers of tissue, muscle, ligaments, and fat pads. Using specialized techniques that I have learned from some of the world’s best blepharoplasty surgeons, I focus on making small incisions that avoid cutting into the muscle. I tighten and reposition the skin and redistribute the fat pads to achieve natural-looking outcomes from eyelid surgery.
Addressing Hooded, Heavy Eyelids with Upper Blepharoplasty
For patients who have hooded or heavy upper eyelids, additional considerations must be taken into account when performing blepharoplasty. Extended surgical treatment is required to address lateral hooding and fullness of the upper eyelid, something often missed or underappreciated by other surgeons. As a blepharoplasty surgeon, I focus on addressing the sagging, fullness, and hooded appearance of the upper eyelid to ensure the best possible results for my patients.
To address hooded or heavy eyelids with upper eyelid surgery, I use extended marks to identify the areas to address during surgery.

The 10 Value-Added Benefits of Upper Eyelid Surgery with Dr. Camp
- Detailed consultation includes visual field analysis, evaluation of tear function, pupil reaction, eye muscle, including ptosis of lid, evaluation and extraocular muscle function, eyelid opening size (palpebral fissure), shape of the lid which I respect and preserve (no cat eyes), drooping of lid skin and/ or brow, and volume and skin measurement.
- Review and discuss the expected level of results specific to the patient.
- For many patients needing only upper eyelid refreshment the procedure is performed in my on-site plastic surgery center. The procedure itself lasts about 40 minutes to complete.
- In many patients, the extra hooded skin on the upper eyelid extends into the lateral upper lid and I will evaluate this and carefully follow these natural skin creases to remove extra lateral skin for best results.
- My method for upper eye procedures focuses on volume restoration and refreshment of the eyelids. Excessive resection of skin and muscle and fat around the eyes leads to an overdone appearance. We have all seen these unfortunate outcomes in celebrities. You can rest assured that your procedure will be done with the highest level of skill and care to avoid any unnatural appearance.
- Before your procedure wash your face with gentle cleanser, which we provide, the night before, and before coming to the office for your procedure. Do not wear contact lenses and bring sunglasses to wear after the procedure. Do not apply any makeup.
- Post-operative instructions are issued to each patient to ensure best results. Patients are instructed to use ice-water-soaked gauze or cool packs to the affected area for the first 72 hours to minimize swelling. Severe pain is unusual following a blepharoplasty, and you will be evaluated immediately in the office if severe pain is noted. Position your head at or above the heart level to reduce edema. An antibiotic ophthalmic ointment (i.e., erythromycin, or tobramycin ophthalmic is prescribed and recommended) is often applied to the upper lids two times per day for the first week. I recommend you refrain from any strenuous activity for the first 10 to 14 days. Sutures are removed, usually on postoperative days 6 to 7. Patients are advised that most of the swelling persists for 2 weeks after surgery but that residual swelling, which at times can be asymmetric, may last up to 3 to 6 months.
- You will be able to drive and work within one week. I prefer and recommend that you avoid makeup for 2 full weeks but will allow light application of some concealer as needed after 10 days. At 2 full weeks I expect you will be healed nicely and without social limitations.
- You will be instructed to cleanse your face with a mild gentle cleanser we provide to you twice daily beginning 72 hours after surgery. I recommend that you continue with this cleanser and a specialized recommended eye cream after surgery to optimize your result and improve the health of your skin.
- As a final recommendation, we plan to stay connected to you as our patient and offer the best care possible to maintain your result. special laser treatments (Sciton BBL and HALO), and ongoing skin care regimens to preserve your refreshed appearance. I was blessed to be trained by some of the world’s most respected surgeons in the world and they ingrained this concept in me which I call the “icing on the cake.”
Combining Upper Eyelid Surgery with Other Procedures
For some patients, upper eyelid surgery may not be adequate to achieve the outcome they desire. To achieve optimal results from upper eyelid surgery, I sometimes recommend combining upper eyelid surgery with lower eyelid surgery, fat grafting to blend creases and lines, and sometimes a brow lift as well.
Upper Eyelid Surgery with Brow Lift
Upper eyelid results are very long-lasting and rarely need to be repeated or touched-up. The results are remarkable yet subtle when done in expert fashion. The only caveat I make to you as my patient is that the brow tends to droop with time, and this puts pressure on the eyes and can impact your feelings about the result.
A brow lift procedure may be recommended at the time of eyelid surgery or in the future to address these issues. The relative benefits of any combined procedures vs. eyelid only procedure will be reviewed with you during your consultation.

The male patient pictured above underwent upper and lower eyelid surgery with a deep plane facelift, brow lift, and neck liposuction. To improve the appearance of sun damage and brown spots, I also performed laser skin resurfacing in the office.

Above are some examples of patients who were seeking upper eyelid surgery only, but my recommendation is to perform a combination of procedures to achieve the best results.
Often, I recommend combining surgical and nonsurgical procedures to ensure you look your very best for years to come.
Request Your Upper Blepharoplasty Consultation
If you are interested in learning if you are a candidate for upper eyelid surgery, request a consultation or call (817) 228-4315 to schedule an appointment at Steven Camp, MD Plastic Surgery & Aesthetics. I look forward to meeting with you.
- Mohammed Alghoul, MD, FACS, Blepharoplasty: Anatomy, Planning, Techniques, and Safety, Aesthetic Surgery Journal, Volume 39, Issue 1, January 2019, Pages 10–28.
- Giacomo Bellinvia, MD, Francesco Klinger, MD, Luca Maione, MD, Pietro Bellinvia, MD, Upper Lid Blepharoplasty, Eyebrow Ptosis, and Lateral Hooding, Aesthetic Surgery Journal, Volume 33, Issue 1, January 2013, Pages 24–30.
- Iliana E Sweis, MD, FACS, Lisa Hwang, MD, Mimis Cohen, MD, FACS, FAAP, Preoperative Use of Neuromodulators to Optimize Surgical Outcomes in Upper Blepharoplasty and Brow Lift, Aesthetic Surgery Journal, Volume 38, Issue 9, September 2018, Pages 941–948.
- Robert W. Bernard, MD, Joshua A. Greenwald, MD, Samuel J. Beran, MD, Daniel C. Morello, MD, Enhancing Upper Lid Aesthetics With the Lateral Subcutaneous Brow Lift, Aesthetic Surgery Journal, Volume 26, Issue 1, January 2006, Pages 19–23.
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