The 10 Value-Added Benefits of a Tummy Tuck in Fort Worth by Dr. Camp

Before & after photos of one of Dr. Camp's tummy tuck patients

Dr. Camp is an expert body contouring plastic surgeon in Fort Worth.  The most commonly performed body contouring procedure is an abdominoplasty, also known as a tummy tuck.  He is specifically known for creating a trademark hourglass figure, ensuring incisions are low and well-hidden with minimal scarring, and natural belly buttons.  He is perhaps the most highly reviewed surgeon in the DFW area for this procedure as evidenced by Google, RealSelf, Facebook, and multiple other online platforms.

Here, he shares his top 10 benefits of having a tummy tuck performed in Fort Worth at Steven Camp, MD Plastic Surgery & Aesthetics.

The 10 Specific Value-Added Benefits of a Dr. Camp Tummy Tuck

  1.  Detailed consultation includes a discussion of the procedure outlining every step.  A beautiful abdominal contour includes 3 key features: a well-defined waist, low and well-concealed surgical incisions with minimal scarring, and a natural belly button.  Dr. Camp will explain how he creates these features with his surgical techniques.
  2. Unique elements of our body contouring abdominoplasty procedures involve thinking of the entire body in 3 dimensions and includes both the front and back.  A true 360-degree approach is utilized to treat all areas of stubborn fat and allow maximum skin tightening.  This comprehensive approach requires more time and effort, but it reflects Dr. Camp’s commitment and passion to create the most tailored results for his patients.  All too often, I see patients dissatisfied with their initial tummy tuck procedures and it often relates to a stomach that may be flatter but lacks a true waist, unfavorable scar location, and unnatural belly buttons.  As our patient you can have confidence in receiving the most detailed approach to your abdominoplasty and body contouring.
  3. In the majority of abdominoplasty cases, liposuction is used to help create more shape and definition around the waist and avoid any irregular transitions.  Adding liposuction to abdominoplasty procedures was once considered controversial, but recently it has been proven safe and reliable and adds considerably more ability to sculpt the best shape.  Some surgeons will try and scare patients that it will be more dangerous and slow healing.  This is just not true, and modern state-of-the-art abdominoplasty routinely involves using the added tool of precision liposuction.
  4. All our abdominoplasty patients can also be assured that efforts are taken to make the procedure and recovery as comfortable as possible.  This involves the use of studied and proven enhanced recovery protocols.  All patients will begin a regimen of anti-inflammatory and nerve relaxing medication the day before surgery and will have a scheduled method of maximizing their comfort with minimal side effects.  During your tummy tuck procedure, Dr. Camp will perform a highly specific nerve block called the Transversus Abdominis Plane block or TAP block.  This medication will decrease pain and lasts for days after your procedure thereby minimizing the need for narcotic pain medication.
  5. Drains are not always required.  However, in cases where extensive contouring is performed with specialized liposuction techniques and more than 2 liters of liposuction is planned, it is likely that a drain will be placed to minimize swelling.  In more than 60% of abdominoplasty cases I will be performing comprehensive advanced liposuction and drains will be used.  In cases where the degree of stubborn fat deposits is minimal, a drain-less approach is used and favored.  The goal is to provide you with the best possible result and not market a procedure as being totally drain free.  If drains are placed, they are typically removed in 7-12 days.
  6. You will be placed into a post-surgical compression garment.  It is important to know that most information available on compression wear leads patients to believe that it must be very tight, but this is not completely accurate.  In fact, extra tight compression too soon after surgery can contribute to complications and unfavorable healing.  Immediately after surgery you will be placed in a slightly snug garment with some compression that is easier to manage.  After 2 days following surgery, you will be allowed to remove your initial garment and shower at home.  We advise that you have help with this first shower and use a shower seat.  After the shower, wear loose zip-front clothing and we will see you in our office where you will transition into a more form fitting compression from knees to chest.  This garment we will ask you to wear 23 hours per day and remove only to shower or wash the garment for 2 full weeks.  After 2 weeks transition to wearing garment 16 hours per day, meaning you may sleep without the garment.  Then wear the garment 12 hours on and 12 hours off for the last 2 weeks.
  7. Recovery is the most important element to plan for in abdominoplasty surgery.  It has 3 distinct phases: the first 2 weeks, the middle 2 weeks, and the last 2 weeks.  Full functional recovery will take 6 weeks.  During the first two weeks patients are instructed to stay at home and have help with children and house duties.  It is important to walk, and you will be able to take care of yourself at home, but you will not be running errands or fully able to care for children.  In the 2nd two weeks we encourage you to get dressed in normal clothes and plan that you will be able to do some daily errands and return to desk jobs but still advise no lifting more than 10 pounds.  In the last 2 weeks we encourage you to keep a normal daily schedule but avoid exercise that engages the core or elevates your heart rate.  This means that after 4 weeks you should be back at work, taking mild walks, lifting light arm weights less than 4 pounds and feeling noticeably better.  At 6 weeks we allow patients to resume full activity and exercise.  Remember, these guidelines are designed to maximize your recovery and result.  It is normal to get frustrated during the healing process and we will be there to help you through it.  Carefully following our recommendations will maximize your results and allow you to have a more tightened and toned body that will endure for years to come and will continue to look great if you take great care of yourself.
  8. Follow up is included at 2 days after surgery, 2 weeks after surgery, 4 weeks after surgery and then at 11 weeks post-surgery for photos and analysis of the scars for any redness or firm spots that need attention.  It is advised to have follow-up at 6 and 12 months for photo progress.  After 6-12 months the incisions are typically flesh toned and we offer yearly follow up thereafter.
  9. We focus on skin healing and scar optimization.  We are just as motivated as you are to make sure that you heal beautifully.  To that end all patients are evaluated at 2 weeks for the beginning of a post-surgical skin and incision healing cream.  This is a physician-dispensed cream only available through our office and not in a retail pharmacy or online.  This regimen has been studied and shown benefits in reducing redness and firmness to any scars.  We want you to feel confident in your skin, and if you brag about it, or show your friends, we want them to be impressed as well.  This level of attention to your healing is just another example of how we try and go above and beyond the normal level of care.  Additionally, in some unusual cases we will offer laser-based therapy to improve stubborn scars.  Dr. Camp is a recognized expert in light-based and laser treatments and is a speaker for Sciton® lasers.  Another example of how we will go the extra mile for you, our patient.
  10. Maintaining your result is just as important as getting there in the first place and to that end we will stay connected with you as our patient.  The most important thing any patient can do is continue diet and exercise, but at times we all lose our motivation.  This is most notable in the degree of muscle tone that seems to change quite quickly when we lose focus on regular exercise and strength maintenance.  We have a variety of technology such as CoolTone® for muscle tightening.  These treatments are extra benefits that are only found in the most state-of-the-art plastic surgery practices and serve to maintain or enhance your surgical results for years to come…

Request Your Tummy Tuck Consultation

If you are interested in learning how a tummy tuck in Fort Worth can help reshape your body and restore your confidence, request a consultation or call (817) 228-4315 to schedule an appointment with me. I will perform a full assessment of your abdomen and customize a treatment to help you achieve your aesthetic goals. I look forward to meeting with you.


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