Am I Ready for BOTOX®? Take Our Quiz

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BOTOX remains the most popular cosmetic treatment in the U.S. and the world for good reason. It effectively minimizes the dreaded vertical worry lines between the eyebrows and pesky crow’s feet at the corners of the eyes, in addition to forehead wrinkles. These lines and wrinkles typically begin emerging in your early 30s, but that isn’t necessarily the time to start getting BOTOX injections at our Fort Worth, TX, practice.

Even though many people start getting BOTOX in their late 30s or early 40s, an increasing number of patients in their mid-to-late 20s get “preventative” BOTOX injections. What’s right for you? That depends on your goals.

Take our brief quiz to learn if you’re ready for BOTOX now or whether you can benefit from other facial rejuvenation treatments. After completing the quiz, you can request a consultation with one of our “Bowtie Babes,” who can create a treatment plan designed specifically for your needs. You can also call us at (817) 228-4315 to schedule an appointment.

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